Letter From The Director 1/16

Joe WaughTipton Children’s Home is a non-profit organization. We rely on your many gifts of money, groceries, clothing and even handmade quilts. I realize that most of the people receiving the Messenger know what we are and what we do. Our concerns are usually centered around the material donations and the effect they will have on our day to day lives. But as the new year begins, I believe it is most important to seek another type of donation. That donation is PRAYER!

I believe that all of our needs, desires and wants will be taken care of if each of you will set aside time every day to pray for us. Pray for the children. Pray that they may come to know Christ and the Cross. Pray for their healing from emotional and physical scars. Pray for our house parents. Pray that they may have patience and strength to deal with all the challenges that confront them. Pray for the administration, that they may lead in a Godly way which will continue to make Tipton Children’s Home a place which will make a positive change in the lives of our children.

I Thessalonians 5:16 says “pray without ceasing”.

As we diligently do this, I truly believe that all of our needs will be met, both spiritually and financially. As always, never hesitate to call or come visit us.

Letter From The Director 10/15

Joe WaughI heard an interesting concept recently about goals and how to achieve them. It’s called the “Why, What Concept”. So often we get caught up in the “what” we are doing and forget the “why”.

It is easy for us here at Tipton Children’s Home to get caught up in the “what” we are doing. We are taking children to school, going to ballgames, sitting in a doctor’s office, figuring out what to feed them for supper and the list goes on and on. Those things are the “what” we do, and if that’s all we see, then we can get in trouble with our thinking. Now for the other side of the concept, let’s look at the why? Why we do what we do? We do it to provide for children who, through no fault of their own, have been placed with us. We provide a better home and environment than where they previously lived.

Why do we do what we do? Because so many of you have placed your faith in us, and we are eternally grateful for that. But most of all we do it to introduce these children to the opportunity to have an eternal home in heaven. We have been given a golden opportunity and a God-given responsibility to lead souls to Christ. We don’t take that task lightly.

How can you help? Please pray that all of us at Tipton Children’s Home will have the strength and courage to focus on the “why” and not the “what.” It’s something we must make a goal to focus on each and every day-to focus on the bigger picture and the eternal goal. And also, as always, if you know of children in need we have beds and staff available. Please call me with any of your questions or concerns. Joe B. Waugh 580-667-5221.

Letter From The Director 5/15

Too many sportsThis is the time of year that football is winding down and basketball is starting, one activity after another. Here in Tipton we have such a small school that our children are involved in many different sports and activities such as 4-H and FFA. It has long been thought that the more active a child is in the various activities the less chance she or he will have to get into trouble. I do believe that it is better for a child to be active than not active. I also believe that sometimes we sacrifice quality family time for the sake of the activity.

Trying to find what is best for the child and what is best for the family is a hard balancing act. I tell you all of that just to let you know that we at Tipton Children’s Home are no different than other Christian homes. We are constantly asking ourselves what is best for our children. Of course that will vary from child to child and from one generation to the next.

There is however one constant which hasn’t changed for over two thousand years. Whether you are a family with a lot of activities or a family with few, Jesus Christ should always be at the center. With your support and prayer we will remain always faithful to the Mission of putting HIM first. As always please feel free to call me at 1-580-667-5221 to arrange a visit. I will be glad to come and speak with you or your group personally.