Programs and Mission

Long-term Residential Group Care

Founded in 1924, The Tipton Children’s Home’s mission is to raise children in a loving, caring and stable Christian environment in rural SW Oklahoma. This is a safe place for children, whose parents can no longer care for them, to live and prosper. Tipton Children’s Home programs (in part) that support our mission consist of.

Unlike many programs, the Tipton Children’s Home is designed for long-term (up to age 17) residential care focused on preparing children for adulthood. Our traditional group home approach in a rural setting has proven effective for over 90 years. The Tipton Children’s Home offers family-style living with a set of permanent houseparents per each cottage of up to eight children. Our seven cottages are separate for boys and girls ages five to 17. 

An alternative to state-run foster programs (DHS in Oklahoma, CPS in Texas), The Tipton Children’s Home takes in children through private referrals by parents or legal guardians only. We are licensed by the State of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS), but do not accept State funding. We are totally supported by donations by community organizations, churches and people just like you. We do not accept children already in State custody.

“Children are gifts from God. How we raise them is our gift to God. Our prayer is that God is glorified by the way we are raising the children that have been entrusted to our care at Tipton Children’s Home.”

 Joe B. Waugh, Tipton Children’s Home Executive Director

The staff, board and volunteers of the Tipton Children’s Home are dedicated to providing a safe, secure and positive place for children to live and prosper. We provide these youth with a sense of belonging. We raise their self-esteem and provide the structure necessary to become productive adults.


Licensed Individual, Group And Family Counseling
We team with therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health counselors to provide behavioral health services for a variety of emotional and behavioral difficulties. These services are aimed at reducing the emotional duress in each child while helping them improve relationships, emotions and self-esteem.

Public School K-12 with Educational Remediation and Tutoring
Children living at the Tipton Children’s Home attend Tipton Public Schools. Our focus is to prepare Tipton kids for college and careers once they have graduated. Students who have deficiencies in reading, writing or math are provided additional resources to bring them up to appropriate levels. Students have access to a school counselor, nurse and library. House parents and staff also provide additional educational support and homework supervision.

Aftercare Services
Our staff is available for the continued support of youth even after they have left our residential care. Transitioning into real-world situations away from Tipton isn’t always easy, but we are always here to help. Our Alumni program provides support for and by former TCH residents.

Church Attendance
Our children attend regular church services and church-related activities at the Tipton Church of Christ.

School Athletics and Activities
TCH children can participate in Tipton school athletics such as basketball, golf, FFA or student council. Other available sports include football, baseball, softball, volleyball, powerlifting, track and cheerleading. These activities focus on teamwork, sportsmanship and good health. Other school activities include drama, yearbook and academic teams.


4-H and On-site FFA Program
4-H and FFA programs make a positive difference in the lives of youth by developing their potential for leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Tipton Children’s Home provides space and funding of program livestock for our residents.

The mission of Tipton Children’s Home is to provide the highest quality of long-term residential childcare in the areas of spiritual instruction, nutrition, shelter, clothing, education and safety. The Tipton Children’s Home is made up of children ages 5-18, house parents and other staff. The purpose of Tipton Children’s Home is to provide a loving, Christian atmosphere where children can grow physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.