The Messenger, Summer 2016


The Messenger is published twice a year. The Messenger contains up to date articles concerning the children and news about Tipton Children’s Home. Tipton Children’s Home is a missonary work done to help children who are in need. It is supported by friends and members of the church of Christ. Children attend the public school system and live in homes with a set of house parents and no more that 7 other children. If you would like to receive mailings from Tipton Children’s Home, please contact us and provide your name and address.

Faith and Love

Tipton Children’s Home has benefited from the generosity of so many friends and families over the holidays. We returned to find our homes cold and dark like so many of you. The town of Tipton was without electricity for 3 days and others in the area were without electricity for a week or more. We have had happy times and some trying times. The children were kept safe and warm with the use of generators and mounds of quilts. It was a true adventure for children and houseparents.

I want to express thankfulness to all of you for your generosity in bringing food, gifts and cards for the children. In addition, many of you sent monetary gifts. Your generosity is overwhelming. I would also like to express our gratitude to the lineman who helped restore the electricity and many others who called to check on our needs or brought supplies.

We continue to thank God for the blessings we have received and the guidance and safety he provides as we do His will. I pray we will never lose sight of the love and care God provides for us when we trust Him and put our faith in Him.

A few years ago, there was a story in the National Geographic magazine reminding us of God’s greatness and the plans he has had for his creatures since the beginning. A forest fire overtook Yellowstone National Park and after the fire the forest rangers walked up the mountain to assess the damage. One ranger found a bird petrified in ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. The ranger was saddened that the bird had perished and was astonished that he did not fly away as the fire came closer. He took a stick and knocked the dead bird’s ashes over. Immediately, three tiny chicks scurried from under their mother’s wings. The mother, keenly aware of the impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the tree and gathered them under her wings, knowing that the smoke would rise. She could have flown to safety all by herself, but she did not want her babies to perish. When the blaze arrived and the heat rose, the mother remained steadfast protecting her babies. Because she had been willing to give herself for her babies; the babies continued to live.

“He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4

As God’s children and ministers to others, let us remember to find our comfort in his love for us. If we have but a tiny measure of faith, the size of a mustard seed, he will bring us through our trials.

Thank you to all who have been providers for Tipton Children’s Home in the past. I wish you all a new year of God’s blessings and pray that we will continue to provide a refuge for children needing our help. If you know of a child that needs our help, please call the office at 580-667-5221.

The Beatitudes

At Tipton Children’s Home we have many blessings that come our way but the blessing we cherish the most is our children. They provide us with an insight into their lives and often times will bring a new perspective to us as adults. Their innocence is remarkable. Their love and acceptance of others is a reminder of Jesus’s love and acceptance of us when we don’t deserve it. Our children struggle daily with their place in life and the circumstances they have had to endure. But through it all they have a hug and a smile for those around them. Working with children is a rewarding opportunity. I pray that Tipton Children’s Home will guide them in the way they should go and give them the strength to continue with daily activities. Children need physical nourishment and a safe place to be, but they also need love, laughter and a strong relationship with adults who are willing to listen and teach.

The following “Beatitudes for Parents” was given to me by my sister. I think it is good advice for all parents as we strive to nurture and mold Christian young men and women.


Blessed are parents who make their peace with mud and spilled milk, for such is the kingdom of childhood.

Blessed are parents who refuse to compare their children with others, for each is precious in his or her own way.

Blessed are fathers and mothers who have learned to laugh, for this is the music of the child’s world.

Blessed are parents who can say no without anger, for comforting to the child is the security of a firm decision.

Blessed are parents who accept the awkwardness of their growing children, letting each progress at his own speed.

Blessed are parents who are still teachable, because knowledge brings understanding and love.

Blessed are parents who love their children in the midst of a hostile world, for love is the greatest of all gifts.

—Marion E. Kinneman (1895-1985)